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A zoologist just watches animals, right?

Zoologists do observe animals. But there is so much more!

A zoologist could study how changing ocean temperatures impact different fish species.

Scuba diver with lionfish

They could study how poaching is affecting critically-endangered rhinos in the field.

Person taking picture of rhinoceros outside

They could also work in the lab to analyze samples or test the nutrients in their food.

Woman in lab coat leaning against counter

What Is The Role Of A Zoologist?

Disney Lion King with Rafiki holding up cub Simba on Pride RockNot exactly.

A zoologist studies animals and how they interact with their ecosystem.

An eco-what? An ecosystem is a community of plants and animals and how they interact with the environment they live in.

Animated wild animals playing musical instrumentsYou get the idea.

Are Zoologists Important?


By studying animals, Zoologists can learn about

  • their characteristics

  • how they live

  • how they interact with other species

  • their behavior

  • the impact humans have on them and their habitats

Zoologists can then develop plans to help save and protect them.

Watch this brief video about Scarlet Macaw populations and think like a zoologist - there will be some quizzes after!


Scarlet Macaws nest in large trees. What factors could affect their populations?

What Happens After You Study Them?

Zoologists look for changes or patterns.

Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon group all wearing plaid shirts cheering

Not those types of patterns!

They use collected information to track any changes in the animal's population, their habitats or how environmental changes are affecting their quality of life.


What type of change could negatively affect the Scarlet Macaw?

Did you know?

The Scarlet Macaw can out live humans as they are known to live up to 80 years in captivity and 40-50 years in the wild. This is the kind of stuff you might be learning about as a zoologist!

Is Being A Zoologist Right For Me?

Perhaps, if you...

  • Love animals

  • Want to find solutions to help animals live better and longer

  • Enjoy working outdoors and traveling to remote places around the world

Homer Simpson about to step on an endangered species

Perhaps not, if you...

  • Do not enjoy physically demanding work in sometimes hot or cold climates

  • Cannot sit for long periods waiting for animals to appear or interact

  • Do not enjoy writing papers or giving presentations on what you discovered

People hiking in Antartica snow on mountainside

What Would My Salary Be?

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Average salary (USD) in U.S. = $74,567

Average salary (CAD) in Canada = $84,609

These averages are based on your level of education and experience.

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This Byte has been authored by


Jasmine Thomas

Instructional Designer and Learning Specialist


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