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Do you like working with people? Are you ok with being around blood samples or specimens?

Then becoming a phlebotomist might be the right career for you!

What Would I Do?

You take vital signs and interview patients before taking blood samples.

A woman checking another woman's pulsePhoto by Antonika Chanel on Unsplash

You draw and test blood samples to screen donors at blood banks.

A phlebotomist taking blood from a patient's armPhoto by Nguyễn Hiệp on Unsplash

How Do I Become A Phlebotomist?

  1. Attend a local technical or community college to get certification by a nationally recognized body like the National Healthcareer Association (NHA).

Did you know?

Where Would I Work?

vial samplesPhoto by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash

You'd work in a clinical laboratory, a hospital, or a donor clinic taking blood samples.

nurse taking patient's informationPhoto by Francisco Venâncio on Unsplash

Or maybe a doctor's office or nursing home working with patients daily.

Flaticon IconMedian Canada Salary $37,440

Flaticon IconMedian US Salary $34,149


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A poster that reads 'Keep calm and draw more blood as I promise not to faint.'


This Byte has been authored by


Kari Everett

Instructional designer and online developer
