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Looking for modern CV templates that reflect the amazing and talented person you are? You've come to the right place! Use these eye-catching sample templates to showcase yourself to employers.

A person at speaking at a press conference. He says, 'My resume speaks for Itself.'

Keep it Simple

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Modern CV templates have clear section headings, making them stand out with bold type, capital letters, and/or one or two color choices.

Be sure to maintain enough white space to make the resume quick and easy to read, so avoid fancy graphics and unnecessary text irrelevant to the job you seek.

Try to use at least two different fonts to create contrast and increase readability. Check out these example font pairings for some ideas.

Resume with colour, capital letters, bold text, two different fonts, & white space.

Image by Fannan Studio from Canva: click here for an accessible version

Did you know?

The average time an employer spends reading a resume is 6-7 seconds. That's why it's so important to focus on key skills that can impress the hiring manager.

What About Me?

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Traditional resume templates usually feature an "Objectives" section beneath the name and job title, signalling to recruiters what you want. Modern CV templates use an "About Me" statement highlighting the benefits you can provide to the company.

Resume with an 'About Me' section

Image By Mosalama from Canva: click here for an accessible version

Did you know?

In many templates, you'll find placeholder text in different sections. "Lorem ipsum dolor..." is a passage from a Latin text that's used for display purposes so you can see what the font will look like.

Showcase Your Skills

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Ensure the skills you mention on your resume match those listed in the job description.

Given that you only have a 2-3% chance of your resume being selected for an interview, be sure to list all your skills related to the job requirements.

Resume with skills that match the job description. Image By Saga Design Studio from Canva: click here for an accessible version

Break it Down

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Use bullet points with strong action verbs to help employers quickly identify key information.

Examples of action verbs are: created, developed, facilitated, initiated, utilized, etc.

Include columns to make good use of limited space to enter your contact information, etc.

Resume with two columns and bullet points

Image By Mosalama from Canva: click here for an accessible version

Did you know?

If you presently have the job that you're listing on your resume, start each point using the present continuous instead of the past simple. For example, instead of writing, 'Utilized...' write 'Utilizing...'

References are optional

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You can include references to streamline the hiring process or leave them out until your interview.

Resume that includes references at the bottomImage By Fannan Studio from Canva: click here for an accessible version


Carlos is applying to a job as a Data Analyst. He wants a modern style of resume. What should he look for? Select all that apply:

Take Action

There are so many online resources to create a custom modern resume that suits your style. Have fun customizing it with your favourite colours while keeping it simple so employers can see your talent at a glance.


This Byte has been authored by


Sonia Kernan

Instructional Designer

BA., BEd.


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