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How did you find out about Python?

A scene in Law & Order. A young person tells detectives, 'It was a challenge on social media.'

Python is a very common programming language. You'll find a lot of information and content on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube about what Python is used for.

Do you think the challenge of learning a programming language is intimidating?

A kid saying 'yes' in a worried way.

Well, you'll probably find a much better experience with Python!

How is Python Used?

Python is a programming language that has become increasingly popular in the last few years.

Vision from the TV Show 'Wanda Vision' and 'The Avengers' movies saying'I request elaboration' with a serious look.

Practical examples of what Python is used for include:

AI and Machine learning IconArtificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning:

Data and charts IconData analytics and visualization:

  • Analysis and manipulation of data

  • Graphic libraries to create graphic representations of data

Web development IconWeb development:

  • Variety of libraries and modules for the back-end side of web applications

Game development IconGame development:

  • Quick development of prototypes to create games

Did you know?

Python isn't named after a snake. The name comes from Python's inventor, Guido Van Rossum, favorite comedy series: Monty Python's Monkey Circus. Van Rossum liked this name because it sounds short, mysterious, and unique (, "9 Interesting Python Facts a Python Programmer should know", n.d.).

Where Can You Find Python in Your Life?

The answer is simple:

Watson from the TV Show Teachers saying 'Everywhere'  with a happy expression.

Many of today's big companies use Python to implement their internal functionalities and provide most of the services that make them so popular.

The needs of both users and developers can influence what Python is used for on various apps and websites.

Some important companies that work with Python:

Google IconGoogle

  • Integration with other languages such as Java, C++, and Go

  • Google uses Python for YouTube

Uber IconUber

  • Implementation of services — figuring out estimated time for arrivals (ETAs) and ride passages, and confirming geo-areas

Spotify IconSpotify

  • Implementation of back-end services

  • Analysis of data to provide recommendations and suggestions for users

Netflix IconNetflix

  • Creation of animated content and video effects

  • Improvement of user experience

  • Analysis of data to alert about system issues

Python Icon

Many other popular companies also work with Python, like Instagram, Facebook, and Dropbox.

How to Decide on Learning Python? ⚡

Are you thinking about learning Python now?

The actress Winona Ryder is chewing gum and saying 'Maybe' in a funny way.

Test Your Knowledge ⚡

Girl IconMeet Veronica. She wants to learn a programming language to start a tech career. Veronica's heard about Python, but she's still undecided about it. What can Veronica do to overcome her doubts?

A. Discover what Python is used for to see if these uses align with her areas of interest (i.e. web development, AI).

B. Think about the benefits that learning Python can have on her career.

C. Consider if it's possible to learn Python in less than a couple of months.

D. Research how widely used Python is as a programming language.


What can Veronica do to overcome her doubts about learning Python? Select all the answers that apply.

What Makes Python So Popular?

Hoover from Silicon Valley saying 'I want to share in your excitement, sir, but I really don't follow'.

Python is popular for different reasons:

Digital libraries IconLibraries

  • Python has a great number of libraries that offer different functionalities and operations.

Community IconCommunity of learning

  • Python's community is large and active. Coders are willing to share their expertise and developments.

Easy IconEasy to learn

  • Python is a beginner-friendly language.

  • It's easy to read and understand, as its syntax mimics natural language. It's similar to English.

Open source IconOpen source

  • Python is free to use and distribute.

  • It's perfect for developers in startups and small companies with limited budgets.

Python Icon

Python is also known for being:

  • an object-oriented programming (OOP)language.

  • a versatile language,because it can be used for different tasks such as web development and machine learning.

  • a compatible language, because it can run on different platforms and operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Did you know?

"The Zen of Python" is a poem that highlights what Python is used for and how it's best used. One way to access the poem is to run "import this" in a Python console (, "Using the Zen of Python Everyday", 2019).

How Well Do You Know Python? ⚡

Has Python "bitten" your curiosity even more?

Kenneth fron 30 Rock saying 'Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes'.

Test Your Knowledge ⚡

Girl IconVeronica did some more research about Python and other programming languages. However, she's still a bit confused about what Python is used for and what kind of language it is.

How would you describe Python to Veronica?

A. Python is a language used in different areas such as machine learning, web development, and data analytics.

B. It's an OOP (Object-Oriented Programing) language.

C. Python is a popular programming language because of the great variety of libraries and modules available for Python developers.

D. It's relatively easy to learn because it's similar to English.


Which explanations best describe what Python is used for and what kind of language it is? Select all that apply.

Take Action

A man not scared of a snake moving around his body.

Want to become a "Python charmer"?

It's one thing to learn about what Python is used for — but it's even more fun to use it!


This Byte has been authored by



Language Teacher | Former Web Developer
