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"Dogecoin to the moon!" Have you heard this catchphrase?

A dog (Shiba Inu) is travelling to the moon.

It went viral after the sudden rise of the price of Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency.

Have you ever wondered about blockchain, the key technology that allows these cryptocurrencies to function?

What Is Blockchain?

  • Blockchain is a distributed ledger that keeps a record of user data.

  • Unlike a traditional database, it stores data in a decentralized manner. That means the data inside a blockchain network are not stored at a single point.

  • As the name suggests, blocks of user data are connected to each other through a chain.

A series of digital chains forming a web

Did you know?

A distributed ledger is a database that's shared by many different users in a peer-to peer network (Investopedia, May 2020).

How Does Blockchain Technology Work?

  • In a blockchain network, every node or user receives a copy of the full record of data that has been stored in the blockchain since it began.

  • Every block is connected to its previous block through its block hash, a unique reference number that identifies a block.

  • In the case of cryptocurrency, every user gets access to the transaction history of every block within the network.

  • Cryptocurrency transactions are secure because modifying data inside a block is almost impossible, as it's highly time-consuming and can be easily tracked.

A chain which is representing the connection between various blocks within a blockchain.

Did you know?

The global blockchain market size is expected to grow from USD 3.0 billion to USD 39.7 billion by 2025 (, May 2020).

What Makes Blockchain Special?

Blockchain's structure differs a lot from traditional databases.

Blockchain networks are:

  • Decentralized: Does not use any central database to store data.

  • Flaticon IconLess likely to fail: Security failure of blockchain networks is rare, as every block within the network needs to be modified for a successful attack.

    Flaticon Icon

Traditional databases are:

  • Centralized: Data are usually stored in a central server or cloud.

  • Flaticon IconMore likely to fail: Because they're centralized, databases are more prone to security threats because attackers can target a single point.

    Flaticon Icon


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Take Action

A Rugrats character singing, 'Now I know my ABC's.'

What to learn more about blockchain?


This Byte has been authored by


Abu Hasnat Md Rhydwan

Learning Designer I Research Enthusiast

