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A man anxiously driving a car.

Do you fear driving? I always did and thought, what if I hurt someone?

Years later, now I think driving is relaxing and fun. I want you to experience the joy of travelling from one place to another without any dependency, just like I do now.

Follow my techniques to overcome your fear and learn to enjoy driving.

Did you know?

Fear of driving is called amaxophobia.

Strategies to overcome fear

A woman giving a presentation says to an audience, 'That takes strategy.'

Overcoming fear takes time and effort. But it's doable. Some tips that I used:

  • Identify your fears: Figuring out what is causing the fear can help you address it gradually. Past incidents, highway driving, weather conditions, heavy traffic, night driving — identify the cause.

  • Calming techniques: Before starting your car, take a deep breath to calm your nerves and control your anxiety.

  • Self-encouragement: Be kind to yourself and say, "I'm scared, but I've got this!"


Brian is scared to drive alone. What should he do to overcome his fear? Select all that apply.

Did you know?

You're not alone! 12.5% of Americans have a specific phobia, like fear of driving.

Get familiar with your car controls

Knowing how to operate car controls to quickly react to situations on the road is a very important driving skill.

Familiarity with car controls gives you confidence, reduces anxiety, and lets you focus on the road.

A baby fist pumping. The text explains that he feels confident that he knows all his car controls.


Before you start your vehicle, ensure your posture is comfortable enough to reach all the necessary controls like mirrors, steering wheel, brakes, and gas pedal.

Being nervous can make you slouch or bend forward. It's important to position yourself safely in your driving seat to avoid road mishaps and protect yourself in case of any accidents.


Don't have a heavy foot on your brake. Braking hard can be dangerous to the drivers behind you, as they may not have time to react.

Brake gently and steadily before a turn or traffic light. This keeps you and others safe and reduces the wear and tear on the tires. Save hard braking only for emergencies.


Imagine your steering wheel as a clock and use both hands to steer the vehicle. Your grip should be firm enough to control the car and, at the same time, flexible enough to allow smooth movements. A hard grip can cause stiff arms and shoulders, making it hard to react to situations swiftly.

Did you know?

American inventor Mary Anderson conceived the idea of windshield wipers. Before that, drivers had to clean the windshield by hand.

Follow road signs

Speed limits, no parking, no turns, YIELD, STOP — road signs help a great deal in your driving. They guide you at the right time to make your driving safe and legal. Road signs speak a universal language to all road users.

  • Be familiar with these common road signs to be a confident driver.

  • Test your knowledge of road signs with these video quizzes.

A stop sign.Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

While on the road, focus on your driving and avoid distractions. If you're worried, try the following:

  • Clear the clutter in your car. Empty drink cans and other wrappers cause noise while driving or get stuck under the pedals.

  • Pre-set your favorite radio station/playlist to avoid changing them while driving.

  • Put your phone in silent mode and keep it in the glove box. If you need to text or call, stop in a safe place to use your phone.

  • Stop your car safely and take a break if you feel overwhelmed or stressed. Have a bite or a short walk to clear your mind, and then start driving.


Emily is driving to her friend's house. Her navigation system stopped midway. She's new to the area. How can she drive safely?

Did you know?

Teen drivers are at greater risk than older drivers in the US.

Start slowly

Start driving in a familiar area where you're aware of the routes and road conditions. Gradually increase the time of your drives to build comfort and confidence.

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Practice specific driving skills that make you anxious like reversing, turning on tight streets, etc. Mastering these driving skills will reduce your stress when you think of driving.

A cartoon dog says, 'Practice makes perfect.'

To become a confident driver, I started driving in my neighborhood so I didn't have to depend on my GPS and I could just focus on my driving.


Sara is a new driver. She wants to practice driving without an adult. What should she do?

Celebrate your progress

Every time you make significant progress, reward yourself with a small celebration — for example, your first experience driving in the pouring rain, your first time driving to work, or your first time parallel parking in a small space.

Your progress will motivate you to continue driving if you have any setbacks and think of quitting driving.

A boy celebrating a win by dancing in his room.

Did you know?

Small wins lead to bigger achievements.

Take Action

You can do it!

Just like I overcame my fear of driving, you can do it too!

Driving makes you independent and allows you to try out new places. I would say it's worth it!

A dog driving a Hot Wheels car. The text reads, 'Let's go!'


This Byte has been authored by


Revathi Vijayendran

eLearning Developer



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