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Imagine you're sitting at your desk, surrounded by piles of paperwork, a never-ending to-do list, and an emerging deadline that seems impossible to meet. You feel stressed and find yourself wishing for just a few extra hours in the day.

 A multitasking business woman.

If this scenario feels all too familiar, then you're in the right place.

Today, I'm going to share a story that will transform the way you approach your work life and equip you with 7 essential time management skills to conquer deadlines and achieve success.

From Chaos to Control: Mastering Time Management Skills

Once upon a time in the beautiful city of Vancouver, there was a talented young e-Learning Developer named Kay.

She was known for her brilliant instructional designs and innovative ideas, but she had one major flaw: an inability to manage her time effectively. Deadlines would slip away, and projects would pile up, causing Kay to feel overwhelmed and drained.

Because of workload, a frustrated female employee seeks help.

One day, a client reached out to Kay with an incredible opportunity. He had a great project, and he needed Kay to lead the team and complete it within a tight deadline. Overjoyed with the chance to prove herself, Kay eagerly accepted the challenge.

However, as the project progressed, Kay realized that her old habits of poor time management were hindering her progress. She knew that she had to make a change to ensure success.

Kay embarked on a journey to learn the art of effective time management.

Did you know?

Time is an invaluable resource, particularly in the rapid and highly competitive world of business today. While you can increase your wealth, time can't be replenished. Therefore, it's crucial to invest your time wisely in the areas that hold the greatest significance to you.

7 Time Management Skills

1. PrioritizationThree bars at different level, an arrow pointing to highest bar.

The first skill Kay learned was prioritization. Realizing that not all tasks were equal, Kay learned to identify the most important and urgent ones and focus on them first.

By doing so, she was able to eliminate unnecessary distractions and make significant progress on the project.

2. Setting Goals

Goal Basic Rounded Lineal icon

Next, Kay learned the power of setting specific and realistic goals. Breaking down the project into smaller milestones allowed her to track progress and stay motivated. Each milestone achieved brought her one step closer to their ultimate objective.

3. Planning and Scheduling

A paperboard with a paper and calendar, both with checkboxes and checkmarks.

Further, she learned to allocate dedicated time slots for each task, considering her energy levels and natural productivity patterns. This led her to work efficiently and prevented the stress of last-minute rushes.

4. Flexibility

Three arrows each toward different direction.

While having a schedule was crucial, she understood that unexpected events and urgent matters would arise. She practicedadaptability, adjusting her plans when necessary. This skill allowed her to remain productive even in the midst of chaos.

5. The Power of Delegation

Different part of the works is assigned to three persons.

Kay realized that she couldn't do everything on her own, and by entrusting certain tasks to capable colleagues, she could free up her time to focus on more important tasks.

Delegation not only lightened her workload but also fostered a sense of teamwork and collaboration within the office.

6. Setting BoundariesA pen that draws a boundary line.

Kay also discovered the power of saying no. She learned to set boundaries and prioritize her tasks, declining non-essential requests that would hinder her progress. This assertiveness enabled Kay to maintain her focus and protect her valuable time.

7. Self-DisciplineHuman mind with four interconnected puzzle blocks

Finally, Kay became a master of self-discipline. She resisted the urge of distractions and stayed committed to her tasks, even when faced with the allure of procrastination.

She practiced self-control, eliminating time-wasting habits and dedicating herself fully to the present moment.

Flaticon Icon

By cultivating these 7 time management skills, Kay transformed her work life and achieved extraordinary success. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that effective time management is the key to unlocking your full potential and reaching your goals.

5 Benefits of Managing Time Effectively

After completing her project, Kay realized what she achieved by implementing these time-management strategies.

A multitasking woman managing all her work effectively.

1. Deliver Work on Time

A clock with a checkmark.

By carefully planning and prioritizing her tasks, she ensured that each milestone was met within the allocated timeframe. This not only impressed her client but also instilled a sense of confidence within herself.

2. Better Quality of Work

Symbol of accomplishment

With better time management, she had the luxury of allocating enough time for research, brainstorming, and thorough execution. This attention to detail elevated her standards, leading to higher-quality deliverables that exceeded expectations.

3. More Productivity and Efficiency

4 bars in ascending order with an arrow pointing toward longest bar.

By staying focused on her priorities, she accomplished more in less time. Her ability to optimize her workflow allowed her to tackle tasks with precision and maintain a consistent level of productivity throughout the project.

4. Less Procrastination

A running clock

By diligently adhering to her schedule, she developed a proactive mindset that encouraged her to tackle challenging assignments head-on, ultimately leading to an increased sense of accomplishment.

5. Less Stress and Anxiety

Human mind with trigger symbol

With a well-structured plan in place and a clear understanding of her priorities, she felt more in control of her workload and experienced fewer moments of overwhelming pressure.

This skill not only enhanced her overall well-being but also contributed to her ability to perform at her best.

It's Time to Reflect

A working woman handling all her work on time.

After reflecting on Kay's story, now imagine:

You, a diligent employee, are currently working on a time-sensitive task that requires your full attention and dedication. Your schedule is packed with important tasks and deadlines that you must meet.

You value the importance of helping colleagues and building goodwill within the team, but you also recognize the significance of meeting your own project's deadline without compromising its quality.

One of your colleagues approaches you with an urgent but unrelated task that demands immediate attention. This colleague is in a tough situation and genuinely needs assistance.

You still have around 25% of your project to complete. What are some ways you could handle this situation?

A. Politely explain your situation to your colleague and request assistance from someone else who has more availability at the moment.

B. First ensure that you promptly complete your current task without any delay. Once you successfully accomplish the task, offer a specific amount of time to assist your colleague.

C. Immediately delegate your current task to someone else and shift your focus entirely to your colleague's urgent request.


What are some ways you could handle this situation? Select all that apply:

Take Action

Effective time management is an ongoing process, so encourage yourself to take consistent action and embrace these strategies as habits to enhance your productivity and achieve your goals.

A traditional hourglassPhoto by Aron Visuals on Unsplash


This Byte has been authored by


Rajveer Kaur

Grad Student- Instructional Technology


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