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Angry male-presenting student slams book on floor and says, 'Math is too hard. I give up' while surrounded by math equations.

Image by iwat1929 on Freepik. Graphic elements by sketchifyedu on Canva. Designed and written by Byte author.

Have you noticed a learner in your life is having issues with math, struggles to follow the exact measurements in a recipe, or ends up being late to everything?

On the outside, it may look like they're "not smart enough", "lazy", or "angry for no reason", but it may be deeper than that. They may be experiencing challenges with a developmental learning disability called dyscalculia, also known as "dyslexia for numbers".

Creating an equitable, safe classroom that embraces all learners isn't easy, but you do not need to be perfect or know everything to get started.

What is dyscalculia?

A diverse group of 4 woman-presenting people are smiling while surrounded by numbers and confetti.

Image by iwat1929 on Freepik. Graphic elements by Canva on Canva. Designed by Byte author.

Developmental dyscalculia (DD), or dyscalculia, is a specific learning disorder where a person has mathematical skills below the expected skills for their age group.

The learner may have challenges with:

  • retrieving math facts, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing

  • math calculations and reasoning

  • reading, understanding, and interpreting numbers

Dyscalculia is known as an "invisible disability". This means that it's a disability that can't be seen on the outside by just looking at someone, which may cause misunderstandings, judgment, and false perceptions of a person.

Did you know?

Dyscalculia often affects a person into adulthood and can make it difficult to navigate anything with numbers (not just math class problems), such as PIN codes, keeping scores of a winning sports team, managing money, reading street and mileage signs, getting the time on a clock for time management, and much more. 😨

How does dyscalculia impact a learner's life?

A woman-presenting person with short black hair in business casual is surrounded by task icons, such as laptop, data, etc.

Image by iwat1929 on Freepik.

A person with dyscalculia may have challenges at home with:

  • measuring quantities for baking or cooking recipes

  • using money, such as bills or coins

  • time management calculations to get ready on time

  • remembering and calling phone numbers for appointments or support

Two lab mates are reading test tubes and under a microscope in lab coats. Classmate asks other to confirm data numbers.

Image by iwat1929 on Freepik. Written by Byte author.

A student with dyscalculia may have in-class difficulties, like:

  • measuring precise or accurate quantities for assignments, such as experiments

  • interpreting data, like graphs and charts

  • estimating the time it takes to complete an assignment, quiz, or exam

  • understanding test results and calculating their grade in the class

Did you know?

Developmental dyscalculia is found in about 3-7% of the population. πŸ€“

How do I support learners with dyscalculia?

Science teacher is supportive and offers calculators to students doing calculations to build a rocket. Students thank teacher

Image by iwat1929 on Freepik. Written by Byte author.

Learners with dyscalculia are not any less intelligent. They have different needs. Having access to the right classroom supports can set them to thrive and succeed in a more equitable classroom.

Be supportive during activities and do the following:

  • Use more visual or auditory materials

  • Provide graphing paper to line up numbers

  • Use problems that apply to daily life

  • Create uncluttered worksheets

  • Make time for supervised group practice

  • Allow the use of calculators

  • Extra time to complete tests

  • Hand out a formula sheet

  • Provide additional accommodations

A teacher is being supportive to a student that is doing an addition math problem on a graph piece of paper on the wall.

Image by iwat1929 on Freepik. Graphic elements by sketchifyedu on Canva. Designed by Byte author.

Be supportive by going over transferrable life skills like:


Paulita (she/her) is a new exchange student from Mexico and often needs more time to complete the daily math worksheet. As a teacher, what are some strategies you can use to support her in your 7th grade math class? Select all that apply:

Did you know?

A 2022 study found that self-compassion is the strongest predictor for mental well-being. It's important for learners with dyscalculia to be patient and compassionate with themselves, so be sure to model patience and compassion!

How do I help students deal with the anxiety and stress of math?

A male-presenting kid is huddled panicking and says they're not good enough. A teddy bear suggests to breathe together.Image by iwat1929 on Freepik. Written by Byte author.

On the outside, it may look like a child who struggles with numbers is "too emotional" or just not trying hard enough. It's easy to say "just get over it," but that's usually not helpful and is not supportive.

Learners with dyscalculia often experience:

  • agitation and anger towards math assignments

  • stress and fear of going to school or asking for help

  • anxiety or panic at home or during class

  • bullying and low self-esteem for being different

Providing supportive resources on how to manage stress and anxiety during class time or at-home may be especially helpful for learners with dyscalculia.

A masculine-presenting student with glasses looks stressed, holding a book and reaching for grad cap while running upstairs.

Image by iwat1929 on Freepik.

Think about a time you took a class and thought you were going to fail an important test, stopping you from finishing the class or even graduating. It stinks!

Try helping students manage math anxiety before a test or quiz by:

Did you know?

Often, students with dyscalculia may have other accompanying disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It's important to practice patience and seek understanding. πŸ˜„

Take Action

Two cis-presenting parents embrace a child that is reading a math book. It's okay to be slow at math. Nothing wrong with you.new Image by iwat1929 on Freepik. Written by Byte author.

Put your new skills into practice and support someone with dyscalculia!

Did you know?

The information presented here is not a one-size-fits-all for all learners with dyscalculia and may not show all the ways to be supportive. To support a learner with these conditions, it is strongly recommended to follow the feedback of the learner, parent(s)/legal guardian(s), teacher(s), licensed medical and psychological professional(s), resource(s), and/or other relevant service(s) for the best, appropriate personalized approaches. πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€βš•οΈπŸ‘©πŸΏβ€βš•οΈπŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ«πŸ§•


This Byte has been authored by


Melissa Carrillo-Galaviz

Instructional Designer & Accessibility Specialist

Master of Science (MSc)


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