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News reports and social media posts are available to us 24 hours a day. Do you find it hard to turn away no matter how bad the news makes you feel?

A woman reading her phone and saying 'Oh no!'

Take steps to recognize how to deal with all the noise and consider setting limits on your news consumption habits.

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Did you know?

"Doomscrolling" or "doomsurfing" are terms that describe the way people scroll or surf online news sources and focus mainly on negative news online, which can lead to a catastrophizing mindset. (source: www.merriam-webster.com)

Why Do We Do This?

A GIF of a man reading his phone and looking upset.

Doomscrolling can feel like a hard habit to break, even when we know we should turn away. There are a few reasons why we do this such as:

  • Reading negative news gears us up to fight, whether through disagreeing with others or feeling like we can improve a situation.

  • Comparing our lives to others to learn that we have it better than others who are facing worse issues.

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Did you know?

Doomscrolling is a coping mechanism or avoidance technique used for dealing with anxiety. Indiscriminately scrolling on devices for extended periods and misusing social media increases the risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and suicide. (source: www.wired.com)

Limit Your News Intake

A woman holding a timer while saying 'And...time.'

If you're spending too much time reading bad news, try these tips when you need a break:

  • Check the news at specific times per day, taking no more than 20-30 minutes to do so.

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  • Avoid checking in before bedtime so you can get a rested night's sleep.

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  • Turn off the news if you start having negative feelings or seeing repeats of stories.

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Set Boundaries on Social Media

A cartoon character looking at icons and saying 'Who Are You People?!'

Social media drives the 24/7 availability of news, but that doesn't mean you can't use it in a way that works for you. Make your mental health a priority.

  • Unfollow pages where you're likely to see misinformation or sensationalized reports.

  • Think about what pages and people you're following and why.

  • Remove apps from your phone.

  • Temporarily turn your phone off (being "unplugged").

Read this Byte to learn how to create healthy boundaries with social media.

⚡Test your knowledge.

Olivia wants to have a better news experience on social media.

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Which of these people should Olivia follow for reliable information?

What to Do Instead

A GIF of a woman putting down her phone that says 'Doomscrolling, hang up on it.'

After you've reviewed your social media feeds and set a schedule for when you'll check the news, it's important to maintain your mental health going forward.

Here are some healthier habits you can develop when you need a break:

Did you know?

If you've tried these tips and are still struggling to feel less anxious about news coverage, consider speaking to a mental health professional.

Take Action

A GIF of a phone waving that reads 'Off to Recharge'


This Byte has been authored by


Alison Myers

Production Editor

This Byte has been reviewed by


Lana Do



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