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Has anyone ever asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up? Have you ever thought about WHO you want to be when you grow up?
Both of these are pretty huge questions to answer at any age. If you are not ready to answer these questions (or the answer is "I don't know",) it may be helpful to seek out people that inspire you.
Consider This!
Where can you start finding inspiration?
read the stories of others
talk to people about their success
be positive
seek out smart people all around you
Inspiration can come from the inside and all around!
The people you associate with are who make up your network. It's going to be most helpful to keep your network full of positive influences if you want to be successful. Find people who inspire you in their actions and in their achievements.
I can find inspiration from:
You can find inspiration from any of these sources.
Who Is A Mentor & Why Do I Need One?
A mentor is a person who inspires you that will help you be your most successful self. Mentors share valuable knowledge and skills. They can provide professional socialization and personal support to facilitate success in their career, college, and beyond.
Who could be your mentor? Anyone who is willing. A good rule of thumb is someone with at least twice the amount of experience that you have. Find someone that shares your values and ask them if they would be willing to share their advice and experience with you.
Don't be discouraged if they say no. It might not be the right time or fit for them. Don't take it personally! Consider asking if they have a recommendation of someone else to ask, or continue your search. Be patient and optimistic that a better fit is out there.
When looking for a mentor, I could select someone from
Access to the internet has made it possible for us to be part of giant networks. Make sure you know someone's character well before choosing them for a mentor.
Leaning In
You are on the path of inspiration, and you've found a mentor. What's next? As you continue working towards success, know that your effort is essential.
You must constantly reevaluate the influences in your life and also reevaluate your goals.
Few things in life are static! Make the changes necessary that are best for you in your life. Be humble enough to ask for help, and to know when a relationship isn't working. Let inspiration and experience guide you.
It can be helpful to remember that EVERYONE has ups and downs on their road to success.
Expect surprises! While we don't have control over every aspect of our lives, we do have control of our reactions and responses.
Did you know?
Take Action
Inspiration can be found all around us. Keep your goal of success in mind, and know that there are endless roads that can lead you there.
Who is one person in your network you can reach out to? Send them a message by the end of the week.
This Byte has been authored by
Heather Savage-Scott
Educator, junior Instructional Designer