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Different types of data perform distinct functions and can be used in a variety of ways.

Two types are discrete and continuous data.

Discrete Data

Discrete data is data which can be counted. On a graph, Discrete data would be represented with separate points that do not connect.

Examples of Discrete data include the number of:

  • Dogs together at a park

  • People standing together at a bus stop

  • Family members at the dinner table

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Continuous Data

Continuous data is data which can be measured. It represents values that fall on a continuum. One of the distinguishing features of Continuous data is that it can be divided.

On a graph, continuous data would be represented with a connected line.

Examples include:

  • Time

  • Height

  • Weight

Photo by patricia serna on Unsplash


The temperature forecast in Toronto for the next 7 days is an example of what type of data?

Did you know?

Take Action

Now that you learned the difference between discrete and continuous data, you can start to observe the world through this lens.

In the picture below, what observation could you make about discrete data? How about continuous?

Photo by Claudio Testa on Unsplash


This Byte has been authored by


Edgar van der Meer

Travel junkie, aspiring blogger, and data analyst.


chris eastman

Web Development / UX / Content Management


Sumeet Malhotra

Lean Mean Talent Development Machine


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