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What if I told you that taking short, fun breaks throughout the school day could actually improve your students' learning and behavior?

Laid back teacher says: ' I'll allow it'.

It might sound too good to be true, but incorporating brain breaks for kids into your elementary school classroom can have a significant positive impact on students' attention, memory, and overall well-being.

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A few minutes of break time can transform your classroom and help your students thrive academically and socially.

Did you know?

Brain breaks not only benefit students, but teachers too! Taking a quick break for physical activity or mindfulness exercises can help teachers reduce stress and improve cognitive performance, creating a more positive classroom environment for all. (Van den Berg. P. et al., 2014)

The Power of Pause

A brain break is a short mental break that involves a physical or mental activity designed to help students:

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  • refocus, leading to improved academic performance

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  • enjoy a positive classroom environment with social interaction and play

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  • reduce stress and anxiety, promoting well-being

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  • imitate healthy self-care habits, promoting balance and wellness

Watch this informative video if you want to find out more about the importance of brain breaks for kids(1:56):


What is a brain break?

The Power of Play

Have you ever noticed that after a long period of sitting and listening, students start to fidget, daydream, or lose focus? It's not because they're lazy or unmotivated — it's because their brains and bodies need a break!

Bored Spongebob on a chair.

By providing short bursts of physical activity and social interaction, we can help students:

  • recharge their energy

  • boost their cognitive function

  • prepare them for the next phase of learning

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Here are some brain break ideas from teachers that include movement and play. Let's get inspired!


What are some examples of movement-based brain breaks? Select all that apply.

The Power of Mindfulness

Imagine a classroom full of students who are feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed by the demands of the school day. You notice that they're having a hard time staying focused and engaged in their work.

SpongeBob stressed in a classroom.

By providing breathing exercises and mindfulnessin your regular break sessions, you can help your students:

  • stay engaged in a more energetic environment

  • learn the ability to pay attention by filtering out distractions

  • become less critical of themselves

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  • The Mindfulness Teacher YouTube channel is a wonderful place to find great content to improve your students' mental and emotional well-being.

Did you know?

Mindfulness practices can help reduce symptoms of ADHD in elementary school children (Zylowska et al., 2013).

Take Action

To Do ListPhoto by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

How can you approach brain breaks for kids in your classroom and incorporate them into your class schedule?


This Byte has been authored by


Maria Agop

Online Tutor/Learning Designer/EdTech Specialist


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