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Do you admire businesspeople who confidently run large meetings? Maybe you dream of securing big international deals yourself.

A scene from the series 'Empire' where Terrence Howard is delivering a speech at a meeting while his colleagues applaud.Fortunately, you can learn how to become a successful business communicator!

Communication in business

No matter which career path you choose in the business world, you'll need solid verbal communication skills. Flaticon IconAs a businessperson, you'll often find yourself in scenarios where your speaking skills and ability to present yourself are decisive factors. Take, for example:

  • Negotiations

  • Stakeholder meetings

  • Sales presentations

  • Team briefings

  • Brainstorming sessions

Follow these 5 tips to become an excellent speaker in any business situation.

Tip #1: Speak clearly and confidently

We trust people who speak confidently. A confident business speaker is well-prepared, knowledgeable about their topic, and responsive to the audience.A character from 'Parks and Recreation' saying 'Bam' and doing a mic drop on stage.

When you're pitching your brilliant business idea, clear speech is very important! Moderate pace, clear pronunciation, and a logical order of thoughts are key elements of presenting your message effectively.

Develop this verbal communication skill

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  • Work on your pronunciation: do some diction exercises like tongue twisters

  • Train to speak up: take the initiative to give presentations to boost your confidence

  • Prepare in advance: organize your thoughts and practice public speaking in front of a mirror or with friends

  • Simplify your message: keep it concise and to the point

Did you know?

Steve Jobs was a role model of effective business communication. He was particularly known for his Apple presentations, where he demonstrated his ability to simplify complex ideas and make them understandable for diverse audiences.

Tip #2: Learn the art of negotiation

Nobody wants to do business with a stubborn person. At the same time, you don't want to be too soft and risk being taken advantage of in the tough business world. A man saying, 'There's always wiggle room in any negotiation.'

It's important to find a happy medium β€” a win-win solution for both sides. For that, you need to know how to present your arguments effectively to convince people.

Develop this verbal communication skill

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Tip #3: Build networking habits

Networking means building and maintaining positive contact with your colleagues. Approaching an interesting speaker at an international conference should be a no-brainer for you. David Rose from 'Schitt's Creek' saying, 'I love making connections.'With the right networking, you'll be the first to know about the newest industry trends and business opportunities. It'll also help you get support and promote your brand.

Entrepreneurs understand that their network is their net worth.

β€” Forbes.com, "5 Secrets Of Millionaire Entrepreneurs That Will Help You Get Rich"

Develop this verbal communication skill

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  • Create a professional social media profile

  • Create a personal branding statement: give a summary of your professional activity

  • Register for business conferences:attend events to meet new people

  • Learn self-presentation techniques: master the elevator pitch

Tip #4: Learn to set boundaries

As a business person, it’s important to be flexible and diplomatic, but there are times when you must know how to say "no". Amber Rose saying, 'When I say 'no', it means no.'

Time is a valuable currency in the business world. Being able to say "no" can save you a lot of time and protect you from stress!

Develop this verbal communication skill

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  • Keep track of your tasks and prioritize them: use tools like to-do lists

  • Assess tasks: define what makes a task professionally interesting for you

  • Learn how to say "no" with respect

  • Develop a habit of giving feedback: when declining a task, give a short explanation and suggest an alternative solution

Tip #5: Be aware of the context

Imagine blowing a big international deal just because you said something culturally inappropriate.Ron Burgundy in 'Anchorman' asking, 'What did you just say?'

You'll be communicating with people from different backgrounds. You'll also meet your colleagues in different settings.

A conference room meeting and casual negotiations at lunch could be very different. You should know how to adjust your communication style to match the situation.

Develop this verbal communication skill

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  • Be an active listener

  • Research your partners beforehand: especially if you work with people from different places

  • Adjust your tone of voice: adapt the way you speak and behave to suit the context


Michelle is the CEO of a clothing brand. She's invited to the international conference for entrepreneurs to give a talk. What could Michelle do to make the most of the networking at the event? Select all that apply:

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A woman nodding and pointing to her wrist.


This Byte has been authored by


Tomara Gotkova

Linguist, Educator



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