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Do you want to be able to travel to a foreign country and immerse yourself in the culture by speaking the local language? Do you want to impress your date by speaking their native language?

A dog and a cat on a date.

Look no further than ChatGPT, the AI language model that won't judge you for mispronouncing "croissant" or "quesadilla".

A scene from the TV series 'Friends' showing Phoebe teaching Joey French.

Use these 3 easy methods with ChatGPT to help you practice the language you want to learn.

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Did you know?

Throughout this Byte, you'll see screenshots of interactions between the author and ChatGPT's AI bot. If you're using a screenreader, you can access text-to-speech audio clips of these conversations. Note that some of these conversations have passages in French and Italian, but the text-to-speech software used in the audio clips defaults to English pronunciation, so the French and Italian passages might not translate well to audio.

Method 1: Conversational Practice

You can ask ChatGPT questions or respond to its questions. It can provide you with feedback on your grammar and vocabulary.Flaticon Icon

Some topics you can use to practice:

  • Ask ChatGPT about their hobbies or interests, and share your own.

  • Discuss current events or news stories, and share your opinions on them.

  • Describe your daily routine, and ask ChatGPT about theirs. This could be interesting!

Flaticon IconUsing the prompt: "Can you ask me a question in [language] so I can practice my conversational skills? Correct my mistakes."A screenshot taken from a conversation on ChatGPT by the author of this Byte.

If you didn't understand the explanation use the prompt: "Can you explain in [language]?"A screenshot taken from a conversation on ChatGPT by the author of this Byte.


What are some topics you can discuss with ChatGPT to practice your language skills? Select all that applies.

Did you know?

ChatGPT's responses are generated by a machine, so it may occasionally make errors or produce unusual responses.

Method 2: Vocabulary Practice

ChatGPT can also help you practice vocabulary in any language. This can be a helpful way to expand your vocabulary and learn how words are used in context.Flaticon Icon

Here are some examples:

Flaticon IconExample 1: Definition

Using the prompt: "What's the meaning of [word] in Italian?"A screenshot taken from a conversation on ChatGPT by the author of this Byte.

Example 2: Synonym

Using the prompt: "What is a synonym of [word]?"

A screenshot taken from a conversation on ChatGPT by the author of this Byte.

Example 3: Using words in sentences

Using the prompt: "Can you use [word] in a sentence?"

A screenshot taken from a conversation on ChatGPT by the author of this Byte.

Did you know?

Using fun and effective learning strategies can help you remember new words better. Ask ChatGPT for definitions, examples, and quizzes to make learning vocabulary even more enjoyable!

Method 3: Tips & Recommendations

ChatGPT can give you tips and resources to help you improve your language skills. The tips can also be personalized to your own goals.

Flaticon IconSome ways you can use ChatGPT for tips and recommendations:

  • Recommend language learning apps, books, and websites

  • Give grammar tips and answer specific grammar questions

Flaticon IconUsing the prompt: "Can you recommend one free online source to learn grammar in [language]? I am a/an [enter level] student."A screenshot taken from a conversation on ChatGPT by the author of this Byte.

Quiz: Olivia's Answer to Learning French in a Different Way

Olivia is a student who is currently learning French as an additional language at school. She is struggling with the traditional methods of language learning and wants to explore new ways to improve her skills in French.

She believes that using ChatGPT can help her achieve this goal.

A girl with an 'annoyed' face

How can ChatGPT help Olivia in improving her French language skills?

A. Create flashcards and quizzes to help her learn French vocabulary

B. Give her topics to discuss and provide feedback on her French speaking skills

C. Recommend French TV shows, movies, and music to help her immerse in the language

D. All of the above


Select an option

Take Action

Here's a joke from ChatGPT to finish on a high note:

Why did the English teacher break up with the math teacher?

Because the math teacher kept trying to multiply letters!

AI/Robot doing face expressions.

Remember, a little humor can go a long way in making language learning more enjoyable, so don't forget to have a good laugh every now and then!

Keep in mind these 4 points as you use ChatGPT for your language learning needs:


This Byte has been authored by


Maria Agop

Online Tutor/Learning Designer/EdTech Specialist


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