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Have you ever felt a little lost when looking at a math problem written out in a big paragraph?

A green-coloured animation character looking puzzled.

You’re not alone! Addition word problems can be tricky because they mix numbers with words. It’s not always easy to know where to start.

But don’t worry — here are some awesome strategies for solving these problems as easy as pie (or pizza, if you prefer).

Let’s dive into three powerful strategies and solve any addition word problem like a pro!

A boy with sunglasses looking confident.

1. Look for Clue Words!

Put on your detective hat and look out for clue words! These words give clues about what numbers to add and what the final answer represents.

Piccachu with a detective hat and magnifying glass.

Here are some clue words in addition word problems to watch out for:

  • altogether

  • in total

  • combined

  • both

  • add

  • together

  • sum

How do I use clue words to solve addition problems?

For example,

"Emma has 5 apples, and Lily gives her 3 more. How many apples do they have in total?"

A character from Arthur placing an apple on a desk.

The clue words "in total" tell you to add the numbers: 5 + 3 = 8 apples.

Practice Problem #1: Look for Clue Words

There are 4 students in one group and 7 students in another group. How many students are there altogether?

Students gathered in a classroom from the Arthur cartoon show.

Before we find the answer, let's ask ourselves:

What is the clue word in this word problem?

A. students

B. group

C. another

D. altogether


Choose your answer!

Did you know?

2: Break It Down Into Small Steps

Big word problems can feel overwhelming, but breaking them down into smaller parts makes them easier to handle.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Read the problem carefully. You may want to read it twice!

Step 2: Underline the important clue words and numbers.

Step 3: Use the information to write out the addition equation.

A math addition equation showing 3 + 2 = 5.

How do I break down the addition problems?

Let's look at an example:

"Jaden has 4 red marbles and 6 blue marbles. How many marbles does he have altogether?"

A tray of marbles.

First: let's carefully read it again.

"Jaden has 4 red marbles and 6 blue marbles. How many marbles does he have altogether?"

Next: let's look out for those clue words!

  • Numbers: 4 and 6

  • Clue word: altogether

Finally: we're ready to use these clues to write our equation and find the answer!

  • 4 + 6 = 10

A cartoon character dusts her hands off and looks proud after a job well done.

Want a bigger challenge? Watch this Might Math Owl video!

Practice Problem #2: Break It Down

Many balloons floating up into the air.

Emma has 7 balloons, and her brother gives her 8 more. How many balloons does Emma have now?

A. 9 balloons

B. 1 balloons

C. 15 balloons

D. 19 balloons


Choose your answer!

3: Draw a Picture or Use Objects

Sometimes, pictures can speak louder than words!

Drawing a quick sketch or using objects like coins or blocks can help you understand what’s happening in the problem.

A puppet drawing a picture with a pen.

How to draw out the problem?


"A farmer has 7 cows in one field and 5 cows in another. How many cows are there in total?"

  1. Draw 7 cows in one field.

  2. Draw 5 cows in another field.

  3. Count all the cows together: 7 + 5 = 12 cows.Drawings of 7 cows in one field and 5 cows in the other.

Practice Problem #3: Draw a Picture or Use Objects

Lily has 5 strawberries in her napkin, and her mom gives her another napkin with 7 more strawberries.

Five strawberries wrapped up in a green napkin.

Draw the two napkins to find how many strawberries Lily has in all!

A. 2 strawberries

B. 15 strawberries

C. 12 strawberries

D. 22 strawberries


Choose Your Answer!

Take Action

With these strategies, you'll be ready to jump into action and solve addition word problems like a pro!

A cartoon character screaming 'And Action!' into a megaphone.

Here are some pro tips to follow!


This Byte has been authored by


Yewon Lee

Undergraduate Student


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