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Have you ever found yourself haggling over the price of an item at a market? Remember how you felt afterwards, knowing that you got what you wanted? And the vendor was probably happy, too, because they made the sale!

people are shopping in an outdoor marketPhoto by Florian Wehde on Unsplash

Negotiation skills are not only important in our daily lives but also in the workplace. From bargaining for a better deal to resolving conflicts with coworkers, the ability to use your negotiation skills effectively can change the outcomes from negative to positive.

Did you know?

Over 70 percent of deal discussions fail because of poor negotiation.

Case Study: Scheduling Conflict

fast food restaurantPhoto by Marcel Heil on Unsplash

You work in a fast-food restaurant. One day, you discover that you have a schedule conflict with a coworker, John, who is also assigned to work during your preferred shift.

Both of you have personal commitments that make it difficult to change your availability. You decide to adopt techniques to resolve the issue with negotiation skills.

1. Communication

Effective communication is the foundation of successful negotiations. It allows you to express your ideas clearly and understand others' perspectives.

communication is key in any team challenge

The Power of Effective Communication

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Be a good listener.

  • Pay attention to the speaker.

  • Maintaining eye contact.

  • Focus on the message the speaker delivers.

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Ask probing questions.

Dig deeper and uncover interests and needs that might not be immediately apparent.

For example:

"What specific aspects of this project are most important to you, and how can we find a compromise that meets both of our priorities?"

Persuasive Language and Non-Verbal Cues

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Use persuasive language.

Frame your ideas and requests in a way that appeals to the interests of other parties. Example:

"Join our team! We will provide you with valuable skills and experiences that will enhance your future career opportunities."

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Use non-verbal cues such as:

  • body language

  • facial expressions

  • tone of voice

to convey confidence, trustworthiness, and openness.

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To address the schedule conflict, you talk with John respectfully. You clearly express your concerns and the reasons behind your request for the preferred shift. You also actively listen to John's perspective and any commitments he has.

2. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions and the emotions of others.

8 eggs with different emotion expressions drawn on themPhoto by Tengyart on Unsplash

Understand and Manage Your Own Emotions

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You can make rational decisions and avoid letting emotions drive the negotiation process, only when you stay calm and focused.

  • Recognize and acknowledge your emotions.

  • Take a pause and breathe to calm yourself.

  • Reflect on the root cause.

  • Practice self-awareness to understand why you're feeling a certain way.

Recognize and Understand the Emotions of Others

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You can understand others' feelings and motivations if you actively listen and observe their body language.

After that, you should respond appropriately, empathize with their concerns, and find mutually agreeable solutions.

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During the negotiation, you recognize John also has personal obligations and may be facing difficulties similar to yours. You show your empathy which helps create a positive atmosphere that encourages both of you to work towards a resolution.

Did you know?

You can learn more about emotional intelligence with this Byte: What is emotional intelligence?

3. Value Creation

Negotiation focuses on creating value for all the parties involved.

A person holding a handful of gold-foil wrapped chocolate eggs.Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Identify Shared Interests

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Shared interests are the common goals or needs that both parties have in a negotiation. 

When you find common interests with your coworkers, it helps you build better relationships, work together more effectively, and create a positive and friendly work environment.

Find Mutually Beneficial Solutions

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By exploring various possibilities and considering different perspectives, you build trust and improve teamwork.

This creates a happier work environment, where everyone feels valued and motivated to perform their best.

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You focus on finding a solution that can benefit both of you. For example:

  • swapping shifts with another coworker

  • adjusting break times

  • finding additional coverage for the conflicting shift


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You work as a cashier in a busy supermarket, and you notice that there is a recurring issue with the distribution of work hours among the cashiers.

Some cashiers consistently receive more desirable shifts, while others are left with less desirable shifts. Some cashiers feel dissatisfied and feel that the schedule is unfair.

You have brainstormed 4 options to handle this issue:

Option A: Ignore the issue and hope it resolves itself over time.

Option B: Escalate the issue to the supervisor or HR.

Option C: Initiate a group discussion among the cashiers to openly address the issue and collectively find a fair distribution of shifts.

Option D: Speak individually to the cashiers who receive more desirable shifts and request that they share their shifts more evenly.


What is the best way to handle this situation?

Take Action

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Communication, emotional intelligence, and value creation will contribute to your success when you need to negotiate with coworkers. Keep practicing and refining your negotiation skills, and watch your effectiveness soar!


This Byte has been authored by


C. F. Tony CHEUK

instructional designer



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