Working from home means you have a lot more freedom, right?!
But, when you’re concentrating on your work you might forget to take breaks or not know when to take them without designated hours.
Why You Should Take Breaks
Taking breaks can have a lot of benefits that you might not be aware of:
Gives your body a chance to recharge
Reduces cognitive load
Less likely to decrease in energy throughout the day
Boosts productivity
Reduces risk of decision fatigue
Leads to better sleep
Take A Break When You Experience This
If you're unsure of when to take a break, your body will probably let you know!
Take a break if you're experiencing any of the following situations :
You start lacking focus
Your eyes are tired/feel strained
You feel hungry close to mealtime
Your kid(s)/pet(s) need interaction
Apply your knowledge to these scenarios:
Carissa was beginning her workday when her friend suddenly called her to chat about their day.
Steven has been working since early in the morning and his eyes feel strained from staring at the computer for so long.
Hans worked past his usual lunch break because of a deadline. He's thinking about taking a break to eat since he's finished with his urgent work.
Anne has been working on a project for several hours and is facing writer's block. She's thinking about taking a break to clear her head.
Who's in a scenario where it's appropriate to take a break?
Break Activity Examples
The easiest way to make sure you're taking enough breaks is to find activities that get you excited to take a break.
Hobbies unrelated to work (e.g. if you’re an accountant, consider reading a fun book)
Take a walk
Interact with your kid(s)/pet(s)
Chat with a friend
Grab a snack
Communicate Breaks To Your Colleagues
If your break is during a time where a deadline is coming up, give your colleagues a heads up that you are about to take a short break.
This is so that they don’t interrupt your break or wait on you for an answer to an issue when you’re not available.
Stay Flexible!
Don’t hold yourself to a super detailed schedule.
Give yourself space to adjust your schedule according to your day. Set overall goals during your day, such as a specific number of breaks rather than planning the exact time blocks for breaks.
Closely tying your workday to a hard plan will only cause you more stress!
Take Action
It's time to take your break, so try out these tips:
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