About Rumie
Rumie is a collection of short learning experiences (called Bytes) that focus on building transferable career and life skills. Each Byte is an unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and abilities in under 10 minutes.
Bytes are created through open collaboration between Rumie and volunteer professionals from:
- Fortune 500 companies
- Other non-profit organizations like Rumie
- The Rumie Learning Design team
Rumie programs that allow them to transform their insights into Bytes, to realize our vision of open digital learning for all. Rumie reviews all Bytes to ensure compliance with our standards, but the Byte author(s) are responsible for the content completeness and reliability.
If you find an error anywhere on Rumie or something that you feel is incorrect in the platform or within a specific Byte, please use the “Feedback” drawer on the right side of the screen. The feedback form features functionality that will allow you to select a specific element to share with us. If you do not see the “Feedback” form on your screen, please kindly contact us at content@rumie.org with the appropriate link and screenshot of your issue.
The more you engage with Bytes by clicking, completing, submitting feedback, and sharing, the more we can tailor your individual learning path. We will never sell your data. Our goal is to give you the best possible learning experience, as efficiently as possible.
Rumie is a non-profit charity with the mission to make digital learning open and accessible to all people. Know someone who might benefit? Send them a Byte today!
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