I’ve never had more aha! moments in my life than when I was a media studies student.

We all know how intertwined technology is with our lives, but its deep influence is often overlooked. Studying media opened my eyes to the world around us in our digital era and its impact on the world.

Man sitting at his desk having an epiphany or aha moment

If you're interested in how media continues to shape our society, a media studies degree may be a great fit for you!

Why study media?

Studying media is beneficial because...

  • It's relevant and practical. We live in a digital age!

  • It focuses on the broader aspects of media, providing foundational knowledge.

  • You have the freedom to explore different topics without committing to a specific specialization.

  • It can be a stepping stone if you wish to pursue a more technical degree in the future.

  • It opens doors to wide range of career opportunities within the media industry.

  • Having an awareness of how the media influences you is valuable knowledge to possess!

Fingers running on a treadmill where the platform is an Instagram feed so the fingers are scrolling

Who might be a good fit for a media degree?

You should consider this degree if you...

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  • Are passionate about media but unsure about which area of the industry you wish to pursue.

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  • Are tech-savvy and interested in digital fluency.

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  • Enjoy critical thinking and analyzing media.

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  • Enjoy reading and writing.

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  • Enjoy watching shows that explore the implications of technology on society, such as Black Mirror or Mr. Robot.

Do you relate to any of the above?


Which person below would be the best fit for a media studies program?

Riley has known for a very long time that they want to seriously pursue a career in UX design. They're creative, empathetic, and tech-savvy, and have been researching what programs to take to achieve their dream job.

Cameron excelled in English and communications technology at school. They're passionate about watching films, enjoy keeping their social media up to date, and try to make one post a week on their food blog. They're not yet sure what career path they enjoy, and are open to seeing their options.


Select which character would be the best fit for a media studies program

What skills will I learn studying media?

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Critical thinking

You'll analyze different forms of media and apply media theories and conceptual frameworks.

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You'll learn about research methodologies, data collection, and data analysis.

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You may learn to use equipment in media production, digital media software like Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, and develop skills in storytelling and visual design.

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You'll develop strong writing skills through essays and written-based assessments, and learn to communicate digitally through blog posts and social media.

What will you learn in media studies?

Key topics in a media studies program:

  • History of media and mass communication methods

  • Media theories and frameworks

  • Research methods

  • Media’s impact on culture

  • Media’s impact on shaping the public’s opinion and politics

  • Media’s impact on shaping one’s self identity

  • Media ethics

  • Media analysis

  • Media production

You'll explore the most common forms of media such as:

  • Print media: newspapers, articles, journals

  • Social media: Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Facebook

  • Advertisement media: print ads, video ads, social media ads.

  • Digital media: websites, blogs, digital magazines

  • Film/Video: movies, TV shows, documentaries

    ...and more!

Newspapers getting printed

You will also learn the significance of this quote:

The medium is the message.

— Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan was a famous Canadian media theorist. This is one of his most famous quotes, which "suggests that the medium through which information is transmitted has a more profound impact on society and individuals than the actual content of the message itself."

This quote encourages us to think deeper about how the characteristics of a medium impacts us... which is an overall theme of what you will learn in media studies!

Read more about the quote here. 💬

What kinds of careers can a media studies degree offer?

The flexibility and adaptability a media studies degree provides allows you branch out to so many different industries and career paths in:

  • Advertising

  • Journalism

  • Film production

  • Digital media production

  • Public relations

  • Media research

  • Social media marketing

  • Digital marketing

  • Education

  • Law

  • Social justice sector

  • And many more!

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How can I prepare for a media studies degree?

If you now think that a media studies degree may be a great fit for you, here are some helpful tips on how to prepare:

  • Research the academic requirements necessary to get into a media studies degree program at various universities or colleges.

  • Strengthen your reading and writing skills.

  • Explore different media tools and technologies.

  • Familiarize yourself with different social media platforms.

  • Stay up to date with the ever-evolving media landscape.

  • Volunteer with media organizations to get some hands-on experience.

Kermit the Frog typing fast on a typewriter

Take Action

Explore these tips below to help you gain more insight about media studies:

A student on graduation day running with hands up holding their cap.


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