Have you ever seen a dish that looked so enticing that you couldn't wait to grab a bite?

What is your favorite item on the board below?

A charcuterie board. Audio description available below image. Image by Adeesha Hack via Genially. To hear an audio description of the image above, select the play button on the audio player below:

Charcuterie boards have become increasingly popular. They're served as full meals, at cocktail parties, on picnics, and even on some airplanes! Charcuterie creations are an easy way to create an impressive food board that guests can share at any gathering. Their versatility makes them a "go to" for any event.

What Is a Charcuterie Board?

A charcuterie board is a platter of various food items. It's usually served before a meal or at casual gatherings, but can be served after a meal or as the meal itself. Charcuteries can be simple or complex.

History of the Charcuterie

The term "charcuterie" comes from the French word for "cooked meat." It evolved in the Middle Ages with French "charcutiers" perfecting the craft of cured meats.

Dessert charcuterie: chocolate, brie cheese, berries, pretzels, long cracker, apples, chocolate dip,  and prosciutto.

In the modern era, the charcuterie has expanded to include cheeses and accompaniments, like jam and pickled vegetables.

Charcuteries can be modified to reflect events and culture.

Components of a Charcuterie Board

The most common and recognizable charcuterie boards contain:

Common components of a charcuterie board. Audio description available below image. Image created by Adeesha Hack via Canva. To hear an audio description of the image above, select the play button on the audio player below:

How to Arrange a Charcuterie Board

Putting a charcuterie board together takes just a few steps.

How to create a charcuterie board in 5 steps. Audio description available below image. Image created by Adeesha Hack via Canva. To hear an audio description of the image above, select the play button on the audio player below:

Charcuterie Board Variations

In the previous section, you got an idea of the common charcuterie. Today, there are many variations of the traditional charcuterie board.

To hear an audio description of the images in the video above, select the play button on the audio player below:

Which charcuterie board could you easily create?


Which of the following food items could you include on a charcuterie board?

Beverage Pairings

When creating a charcuterie, think about the beverages you will serve alongside your board. Choosing drinks can be as much fun as creating the board itself.

Think about the items on your charcuterie board and select beverages that complement the food.

For example, if serving a breakfast board, you may choose coffee, tea, orange juice, sparkling water — or all of them. If serving a dessert board, you could serve a dessert wine or flavored tea.

Four glasses of orange juice in wine glasses. The glasses are on a table with half an orange beside one glass. Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

Non-alcoholic Drinks

  • still water or sparkling water

  • fruit juices (orange, apple, mango, etc.)

  • lemonade

  • flavored water (add cucumbers, oranges, berries)

  • tea (black, green, or flavored)

  • coffee/expresso-based drinks (latte, cappuccino)

Three glasses of sparkling white wine, with a bottle of wine blurred in the background. Photo by Mads Eneqvist on Unsplash

Alcoholic Drinks

  • wine (red, white, sparkling, rose)

  • beer

  • cocktails, like mimosa (orange juice + sparkling wine)

  • spiked cider (cider + spirits)

  • whisky or bourbon

Quiz: Ava's Charcuterie Board

Ava is having a three friends over to her home. She wonders what to serve for them once they arrive.

After some thought, Ava puts a charcuterie board together. This is her first board. She is proud of her accomplishment.

Ava's charcuterie board. Individual food items are listed in a paragraph below the image. Image created by Adeesha Hack via Canva

Ava's Food Choices

Ava's charcuterie creation has a number of food items:

  • a block of cheese

  • shredded cheese

  • olives

  • pickles

  • hummus

  • a whole chicken

  • a loaf of bread

  • crackers

  • tortillas

  • guacamole

  • strawberries

  • cranberries

  • figs

  • cashews

  • pickles

Since this is Ava's first charcuterie board, she knows it can be better. Let's help her.


How can Ava improve upon her charcuterie board? More than one answer may be correct.


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