During the holiday season, do you feel...

  • Financial pressure?

  • Lack of time?

  • Stressed about gift giving and family gatherings?

If so, you're not alone. According to the American Psychological Association, 38% of people surveyed said their stress increased during the holiday season . This, along with a lack of sunlight during winter, can lead to depression and anxiety.

It's important to acknowledge your feelings and know that they can change with a few strategies to help you feel better.

Woman curled up in bed with arm over her face Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Identify Your Reasons

Acknowledge your feelings and identify where they're coming from.

  • A feeling of loneliness?

  • Family obligations?

  • Buying gifts on a tight budget?

Close up of a woman screaming. Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Feeling Of Loneliness

Take steps to feel less isolated during the holiday season.

  • Take a break from social media — too much time on social media can make you feel more isolated

  • Start a new holiday tradition — go to a movie, spend time with friends or volunteer

  • Call your loved ones if you can't be with them on the holidays

  • Make a list of everything you're grateful for

Man standing by the lake looking out with dark clouds above him at dusk. Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky on Unsplash

Too Many Obligations

Too many family and social obligations getting you down? Accept that you can't do it all and set some limits.

  • Find a way to compromise so that everyone is happy

  • Prioritize the most important events

  • Meet up with others after the holidays if you can't make a holiday gathering happen

Man sitting on couch with hands on his face and open boxes around him.

Gift Buying Expense

If you're on a tight budget, use your creative skills to come up with thoughtful gifts.

  • Bake cookies and share them with others

  • Offer to do a chore or task that person hates

  • Create a photo collage or frame a picture

  • Sew or paint something special

Wrapped present with pink ribbon tied into a bow.


Samuel is on a tight budget and he wants to buy gifts for his friends since they always buy him a gift. What would be the best gift to give?

Take Action

Mobius from the Matrix saying,

Don't the holidays get you down!


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