You’ve got your Mac and cookies to clear! But the web browser you're using and the number of websites you're clearing cookies for require different steps.

Animated image of older Mac computer model, Mac Classic, with animated color blocking background.  The screen reads, “h

Take control of clearing cookies from the most popular web browsers in the world to keep your Mac running safely and smoothly.


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Clearing cookies for specific websites.

  1. Select Safari from the menu bar

  2. Go to Preferences

  3. Choose the Privacy tab

  4. Select Manage Website Data

  5. Choose specific websites and click Remove


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Clearing cookies for all websites.

  1. Select Safari from the menu bar

  2. Go to  Preferences

  3. Choose the Privacy tab

  4. Select Manage Website Data

  5. Choose Remove All, then Remove Now

  6. Select Done


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Clearing cookies for specific websites.

  1. Select the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the Chrome menu

  2. Open Settings

  3. Choose Privacy and Security section

  4. Select Site Settings

  5. Go to Cookies and site data

  6. Choose See all cookies and site data

  7. Find the website(s) you want to clear cookies.

  8. Select the trash can icon


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Clearing cookies for all websites.

  1. Select Chrome from the menu bar

  2. Open Clear Browsing Data

  3. Choose the time range (1 hour, today, …)

  4. Select Cookies and other site data

  5. Go to Clear Data


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See how to clear cookies on Microsoft Edge and Firefox.


Flaticon Icon Malak

Flaticon Icon Anuja


Malak has been accepting cookies whenever she logs into her online banking. Now, she wants to clear all of her personal information from the site. Her friend, Anuja, explains that clearing cookies from one website is impossible. Who’s correct?

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Clearing cookies in 3, 2, 1...

Blue Wizard hat with yellow stars disappears into a grey cloud that says,


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