Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Learning is a lifelong journey.

Whether it's for a new job or a new passion, along the way you will find more new things you would like to learn about.

This Byte will help you find resources to keep learning!

Solo Learning

The internet is a huge part of our lives and has a wealth of information on it. The internet is a great resource for learning.

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

A few resources that have information/tutorials about almost everything are:

  • YouTube - best for visual, video tutorials about anything from cooking to excel.

  • Reddit - great for knowledge, opinions and discussions with communities based on topics.

  • Google - infinite amounts of information and the gateway to other resources.

  • Rumie - Bytes to help you learn things quickly and concisely.

  • - this is a great tool to learn new software and skills.


If I wanted to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator, what would be the best resource?

Community Learning

One of the best ways to learn, is from others and their experiences. Whether the community you want to reach out to is online or physical, there is lots to be learnt.


LinkedIn is a great networking tool as well as a great learning tool. Not only does it offer career/professional development videos and tutorials, but also the opportunity to connect to anyone around the world.

Consider reaching out to someone whose work appeals to you - schedule a coffee chat!

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash


Check out your local community centre for courses, seminars or simply people to talk to. Seize the opportunity to learn from those around you.

Leverage your professional networks, your family and your friends. People around us have varying expertise and can always teach us something new - we just have to ask and try.

Photo by Kyle Smith on Unsplash

Take Action

What is a skill or something you have always wanted to learn?

What resource can you leverage to help you learn?



Photo by Yiqun Tang on Unsplash


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This Byte helped me better understand the topic.