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There's nothing better than a great cup of coffee to start your day!

Glen Close in The Devils Wears Prada. She looks tired and sad before coffee, and ready for her day after coffee.

Buying your favorite coffee house drink can get expensive.  Purchasing a coffee machine is an economical alternative.

Did you know?

Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide (after water) with over 400 billion cups consumed each year (howstuffworks.com).

Step 1: Know Your Options

Drip Coffee Maker/Coffee Brewer

  • Produce a single cup or several cups of coffee at once

Coffee brewing machine

Single-Serve Coffee Maker/One Cup Coffee Maker

  • Brew a single cup of coffee using prefilled capsules

  • Examples: Keurig, Nespresso, etc.

A single serve coffee machine with coffee capsules on a table

Low Tech/Manual

  • Use boiled water and no electricity

  • Examples: french press, moka pot, and cold drip

A person pressing down a pot of coffee with a french press

Espresso Makers

  • Make specialty drinks such as espresso, cappuccino, and lattes

Espresso MachinePhoto by Chase Eggenberger on Unsplash

Step 2: Know Your Needs

Understanding your coffee routine and preferences will help you to pick the right option.

  • Quantity: The amount of coffee you drink and the number of coffee drinkers at home can help steer your choice.Flaticon Icon-Bag of Coffee

  • Coffee Preferences: Fancy drinks may call for a fancier machine.Flaticon Icon-Fancy Coffee

  • Counter Space: If your machine isn't easily accessible, you'll likely banish it to the small appliance graveyard.Flaticon Icon-Counter Space

  • Features and Convenience: Consider your daily routine, the types of coffee drinks you enjoy, and the time you want to spend making coffee.

Step 3: Know Your Budget

You can spend anywhere from $10 to $1000+ on a home machine. Know your budget and keep it top of mind to narrow your search.

  • Consider both upfront and long-term costs (filters, coffee, capsules, etc.)

  • Be careful when compromising to be happy with your machine long-term!

 A cup of coffee on a table beside budget sheets


Charlie is a busy student living on his own who wants to save money. He usually grabs a coffee in the morning, enjoying different flavours. What option would you recommend?

Take Action

An espresso machine pouring coffee onto text that reads 'be your own barista'

Decide on your needs and priorities for your coffee machine, and do some research to help you to compare options and pick a machine that's best for you.


This Byte has been authored by


Brandy Mauro

Passion for Lifelong Learning!


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