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Do you find yourself lacking the lingo to speak with data-savvy peers? Want to learn more about corporate data management terms?

Jon Stewart eagerly watching and eating popcorn on The Daily Show.

Enterprise data is a foundational corporate data management term. Understanding the different forms of enterprise data will help you gain skills for a data analytics career.

What is Enterprise Data?

What distinguishes enterprise data from the personal data on our phones?

A wooden table with laptop computers and people collaborating.Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Enterprise data are company assets that are essential to a company's financial success.

Let's break down these two terms: data and enterprise

Data include:

  • Raw forms of unanalyzed facts

  • Variety of formats

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The term "enterprise" implies:

  • Organizational purposes rather than individual purposes

  • Complexity and collaboration because it takes a team of skilled professionals to manage enterprise data

Examples of Enterprise Data

Enterprise data are organizational assets that support business objectives, such as:

  • Improving customer service

  • Determining a company's most profitable product

  • Analyzing customer behavior

Enterprise data inform all of these.

Morpheus from The Matrix saying 'What if I told you data is an enterprise asset?'

Enterprise data can be in multiple forms and can be combined to create other forms of data. Enterprise data are included in corporate database tables but have other forms such as:

  • Financial statements

  • Company emails

  • Business flow diagrams

  • Social media content

  • Public geographical data


Which of the following statements about enterprise data are true? Select all that apply:

Examples of Enterprise Systems

Given the many uses of enterprise data, there is a need for multiple types of enterprise information systems.

A montage of a person typing on a computer, and room of enterprise computers.

These systems can include:

Did you know?

Transaction processing systems that record routine transactions help businesses manage their presence. Customer relationship management systems and metadata management systems provide analytics that help businesses prepare for the future.

Take Action

Now that you know more enterprise data and where it lives, what are the next steps to increase your awareness of enterprise data management?

Jocelyn from the TV show Schitt's Creek looking concerned and saying 'What are we supposed to do now?''


This Byte has been authored by


Eleanor Smith

Education Consultant



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