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Do you insist on arranging books, DVDs, or files a certain way and become angry if someone rearranges them?

Do you get very upset if a friend suggests a different route while driving? Do you insist on following the original plan exactly?Route marked on the landscape

If the answer is yes, you might be showing signs of obsessive–compulsive personality disorder (OCPD).

What is OCPD?

OCPD is a personality disorder where someone strongly prefers order, rules, and control, sometimes impacting their daily life and relationships.


According to McMaster University's definition:

OCD is ruled by intrusive thoughts called, obsessions that cause anxiety and force the person to perform compulsions for relief. OCPD is ruled by perfectionism and detail.

Check out this Byte on OCD to learn more.

Kramer from Seinfeld says, 'Hey, a rule is a rule. And let's face it, without rules, there's chaos.'

Did you know?

"OCPD is the most common personality disorder in the United States, and is diagnosed twice as often in males as in females; however, there is evidence to suggest the prevalence between men and women is equal."

Signs of OCPD

You might have OCPD if:

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You spend a lot of time making everything perfect, even if it prevents you from completing anything.

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You can't delegate any task to anybody else.

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You consider work to be of high priority. You would cancel any personal plans because of that.

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You have a strict set of rules and standards and expect everyone else to follow them too.

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You fixate on the smallest details and make lists of anything.

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You try to save money on everything up to essentials even if you don't have to, or you can't get rid of old things and keep them just in case.

Did you know?

"Symptoms are usually present by the time a person reaches adulthood, and are visible in a variety of situations. The cause of OCPD is thought to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors, namely problems with attachments."


Imagine the following situations:

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You're at your girlfriend's place getting ready to go out. You're getting impatient as she goes to wash her hands yet again.

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Your colleague regularly stays late at work to finish their project, even when their boss tells them they don't have to.

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Your mother won't let anyone fold the laundry because they do it the wrong way.

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Your friend got really upset when you missed your bus.


In the situations above, who do you think might be showing behaviors associated with OCPD?

Take Action

OCPD is a fairly common disorder. So, don't panic if you recognize some of the signs in yourself or your surroundings. Flaticon IconHere is what you can start with:


This Byte has been authored by


Nina Vostrikova

E-learning developer



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