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My friend Kate has always liked the idea of helping people learn better, but felt that the classroom wasn't enough. Then she realized that studying psychology would help her go further in her career.

Have you ever wondered about the connection between education and psychology? Educational psychology can be the bridge to help people become better learners.

JImmy Fallon saying, 'Your choice.'

What does an educational psychologist do?

Educational psychologists promote learners' emotional and social well-being. They take into account educational theories and research on human development.

A day in the life of an educational psychologist can take place...

  • at school ✔️

  • at the learner's home ✔️

  • at a community organization ✔️

  • at a research center ✔️

A teacher laughs and says, 'Everywhere!'

Did you know?

Many educational psychologists were teachers in the past. They felt that they had a strong commitment with their students and wanted to have more influence in their development.

As an educational psychologist, you'll be in charge of...

  • supporting students with learning difficulties

  • meeting the students' parents to offer guidance

  • helping teachers create accommodations for learning

  • researching human development and learning theories

  • offering consultation to schools and organizations

A man asks a young woman, 'Is there anything else'? The young woman shakes her head.

What will I do every day?

Educational psychologists wear many hats. Some of the duties are:

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  • supporting children (one-on-one or in groups) at their schools

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  • observing learners and evaluating their needs

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  • consulting with parents or other collaborators

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  • developing appropriate interventions and accommodations for learners

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  • training teachers in special learning needs

What does it take to be an educational psychologist?

Do you have what it takes? Educational psychologists are the bridge between psychological tools and the learning environment. You'll need:

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  • research skills: to conduct research and suggest interventions in the classroom

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  • analytical skills: to evaluate educational programs and consider accommodations

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  • problem-solving skills: to identify an issue and provide the best tools

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  • communication skills: to talk to all members of the community, including students, parents, and teachers

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  • interpersonal skills: to develop empathy so as to understand challenges and difficulties

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  • ethical conduct: to promote the students' well-being in the educational setting


Karen wants to be an educational psychologist. However, she sometimes has trouble identifying other people's feelings. She is also reluctant to reflect on her daily work. Which skills would she need to develop?

Getting ready

Now that you're sure this is a good fit, there are two ways to become one!

A person saying 'Ohhh, we got options'

  • Pursue an undergraduate degree in any field such as education or psychology. ✅

  • Start with a general psychology bachelor's degree. ✅

Then go for a Master's in educational psychology. 🚀

Areas to go into:

  • human development

  • research and analysis

  • applied learning behaviors

  • consultation in special education

Did you know?

In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, future educational psychologists must complete a 3-year postgraduate training program that includes a doctorate qualification.

How can you make sure you succeed in your degree?

Jimmy Fallon happily saying, 'We did it!'

When it comes to making the most of your program, make sure to:

  • Embrace many educational theories and practices. Apply your analytical skills and critical thinking to choose the best for your context.

  • Keep in touch with all the important roles: teachers, students, families, and schools. All of them will have different initiatives, challenges, and difficulties to evaluate. Use your interpersonal skills to connect with these needs.

  • Be exposed to the common difficulties behind students' lack of progress. Get ready to develop effective strategies for them.

Take Action

A woman saying in an emphatic way 'It's time to take action'

If you want to be like my friend Kate and study educational psychology:


This Byte has been authored by


Romina Marazita

Instructional Designer / Neuroeducator /

