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You're at a job interview.

So far you're acing the routine interview questions but then comes one that leaves you feeling blank:

"What's your personal mission statement?"

Man looking puzzled and asking, 'What does it mean?'

Do you know what is truly important to you? Maybe you're feeling stuck at your current job? Confused if switching careers is right for you?

Crafting an honest and authentic personal mission statement will help answer many of these questions.

What To Include?

A personal mission statement will outline what you’re all about, including what you bring to the table now and what you want to achieve in your career.

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  • Keep it simple, short & clear

  • Describe what really matters to you in under 5 sentences

  • It will help you focus your energy, behavior & actions towards what's important to you and help accomplish goals

Did you know?

Once you've written your personal mission statement, it's a good idea to share it with mentors or important people in your life and seek their valuable feedback.

Path To Self-discovery

In order to write a good personal mission statement, make the effort to learn about yourself and your core values.

A woman asking, 'Can we talk about me for a minute?'

Take time to think & write down the answers to the following:

What do you love or enjoy doing?

  • What really lights your fire?

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What are your strengths, skills & personality traits?

  • What makes you unique?

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Where do you want to go in life?

  • Apart from listing your career ambitions, also describe your physical, mental & spiritual goals

  • List both short & long-term goals

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Who or what is deserving of your time?

  • List the top 5 priorities in your life

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What impact do you want to have on others?

  • How do you want to positively influence your colleagues/clients/students, etc?

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What do you want your legacy to be?

  • How do you want to be remembered at the end of your career?

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Did you know?

Your personal mission statement is not set in stone. It's okay to make changes to it as your values & priorities evolve.

Putting It All Together

Now use this template to write your own final draft:

“To [insert desired goal, outcome, or achievement] [ identify the target audience that will benefit] by [elaborate on skills you want to use] [talk about what those skills will let you do or how you’ll apply them].”

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Consider this example:

"To inspire the development of today’s youth by continuously honing my skills, expanding my knowledge, and supporting them in their growth."


The above personal mission statement is suitable for which profession?

Flaticon Icon Teacher

Flaticon Icon Computer Programmer

Flaticon Icon Police Officer

Flaticon Icon Nurse


Which profession would be a good match for the mission statement above?

Take Action

Create your very own personal mission statement!

Man flexing fingers and saying let's do this.

Ask yourself:


This Byte has been authored by


Chitra Krishnan

Lifelong Learner
