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The first rule of adulting is to have a first aid kit.
You never know what life will throw at you.
Step 1: Decide To Buy Or Make Your Kit
Buy a first aid kit from any major store or assemble one on your own. The choice is yours!
If you choose to assemble, be prepared to buy any items you don't have yet, and to spend some time putting it together.
Juan is determining whether he should build or buy a first aid kit. What factors should he take into account when deciding?
Time, money, and supplies are all very important components to keep in mind!
Step 2: Round Up The Goods
Find a kit to hold your supplies.
A container, not a cat.
You can use a lunch box, Tupperware set, or an actual first aid kit container. Feel free to get creative!
Did you know?
This Byte was created by a volunteer professional that wanted to share this insight to help you succeed - no agenda, no cost.
Step 3: Assemble The Basics
These are some first-aid kit musts:
Rubbing alcohol
Gets rid of germs on open wounds.
Antibiotic ointment
Hello, fast healing!
Get a variety of shapes and sizes.
Step 4: Grab Supplemental Supplies
Nitrile gloves
They look like latex, but are medical grade and used for emergencies. Neat!
Stops the bleeding, stat.
Over-the-counter medicine
Helps keep the pain down.
Sally is preparing her first aid kit, but only has latex gloves at home. What should she do?
Nitrile gloves are recommended for medical emergencies because they are hypoallergenic, puncture resistant, durable, and maintain their integrity when introduced to oils or other chemicals. Latex does not!
Step 5: Secure A Location
Place your kit in an easy-to-reach location that you'll actually remember.
You'll get brownie points if you have multiple kits in multiple locations. You never know when danger will strike!
Step 6: Learn How To Use It
Familiarize yourself with the basics of how and when to use the supplies.
No medical degree required, just Google.
Take Action
Always have a first aid kit ready to use in your home, car, or workplace.
It'll keep you from turning into this one day.
This Byte has been authored by
Mandy Mekhail
Strengths-Based & Cultural Responsive Practitioner