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Did you know that flexibility is the future of work? In fact, 40% of workers in Australia said they would turn down a job that didn't offer them flexibility . In a flexible workplace, your needs and your employer's needs are met. Workplace flexibility is a win-win strategy that's all about adapting how and where work gets done.

Recognizing Flexibility At Work

Flexible Employees

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  1. Don't say "It's not my job."

  2. Adjust their work schedules to stay late or come in early sometimes.

  3. Learn new skills.

  4. Cover the responsibilities of a co-worker if they are ill.

  5. Keep the company's goals in mind and work towards them.

  6. Change the day's agenda to address a pressing immediate need.

Flexible EmployersByte Author Uploaded Image

  1. Adjust schedules to accommodate workers' needs.

  2. Reward employees who make positive suggestions.

  3. Adjust the level of supervision based on employee needs.

  4. View employees as individuals.

  5. Provide release time for exercise or volunteer work.

Flexible Schedules

Flexible Schedules

  1. Flex-time can provide staggered start and end times to the work day.

  2. Working remotely means never coming into the office or coming in only a few days a week.

  3. Condensed schedules can include working three 12-hour days, or four 10-hour days rather than five 8-hour days.

  4. Part-time employees can share one job.


Flexibility at work means?

Benefits Of Flexibility At Work

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For You

  1. Improved work-life balance.

  2. Increased job satisfaction.

  3. Improved morale.

  4. More to offer your employer can mean increased opportunities.

For Your Employer

  1. Improved employee loyalty.

  2. Lower recruitment and training costs due to increased employee retention.

  3. Increased revenue.

  4. Helps the business attract great talent.


What's the main benefit of flexibility at work?

Did you know?

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Take Action

Now that you've learned how to recognize flexibility in the workplace, what are some ways you can incorporate this into your own workplace?

If you're a leader - can you adjust your team's practices?

If you're an employee - can you make a suggestion for a more flexible approach to your leader?


This Byte has been authored by


Deb Walker

Learning Experience Designer/Squad Leader


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