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Managing projects these days can be a lot to handle.

With deadlines, team chats, and data to juggle...phew! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

That’s where AI comes in.

A superhero descending down to a crowd of people.

Whether using big platforms like Asana or free tools like ChatGPT, AI for project management allows you to become a better project manager by staying on top of tasks, boosting creativity, and keeping your team running smoothly.

1. Task Automation

Project management can sometimes feel boring with all the repetitive tasks that eat up time...

A monkey feeling bored, yawning and rubbing its eyes to stay awake.

But with AI, you can automate repetitive tasks and help yourself and your team focus on more strategic and creative work.

Task Automation in Asana

If you're using Asana for project management, you can use their Smart Fields feature. It gives you a clearer picture of your task by suggesting what to include in your task description.

Check out this tutorial for more info about how to use Smart Fields.

Task Automation in ChatGPT

You're not using a project management platform? No worries!

You can easily get this done with ChatGPT by prompting it with clear instructions. Here is an example of how you can guide ChatGPT to help you:

I'm managing a project and want to ensure that each task is well-defined. Can you suggest the key fields I should include in my task descriptions to make sure they are clear and easy to track? [a list of tasks]

Did you know?

The first-ever task automation was made in ancient Greece! A mathematician Heron of Alexandria created a machine that automatically opened temple doors using steam power. Today, AI is the modern version of task automation — way more advanced than opening doors, but still saves time by taking care of repeating tasks!

2. Sentiment Analysis

While managing projects, have you ever felt unsure about the tone of someone's message or worried that your own might be misunderstood?

A man with side eye looking suspicious

Using AI for project management helps you spot any issues incommunication within teams (emails, messages) before they affect your project.

It also provides you with ways to make them sound clear and professional.

Sentiment Analysis in monday.com

If you're using monday.com, use their "Detect Sentiment with AI" block from the template. Then, to improve your text, use "Improve text with AI" block.

Visit monday.com for more detailed instructions.

Sentiment Analysis in ChatGPT

Use clear and detailed prompts to let ChatGPT generate useful responses. Check the prompt below for sentiment analysis:

Can you analyze the sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative) of this message and explain why? Also, provide suggestions on how to address any negative or neutral sentiment. [Draft message]

Prompt for improving texts:

Here’s a draft of a message I’m sending to my project team. Can you rewrite it to sound more professional and polished, while keeping the original meaning? [Draft message]

Did you know?

56% of every dollar invested in a project is at risk because of poor communication! Effective communication is the most crucial factor for project success.

3. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an AI feature that analyzes large volumes of text and extracts insights and summaries.

It saves your time in project management by cutting down long content intoeasy-to-read chunks so that you don't have to go through it all manually.

A woman scrolling through a massive chuck of text on a phone.

NLP in Jira

NLP in Jira summarizes the comments on the issues from your project board so that you don't have to go through all the comments.

Visit Jira and for details on how you can use the feature.

NLP in ChatGPT

Check the prompt below asking ChatGPT to summarize chuck of texts and extract key points for you:

Here is the transcript from our latest project status meeting. Can you summarize the key points, including major decisions, action items, and any potential risks mentioned? [Large text goes here]

Did you know?

NLP has been around longer than you think! The origins of NLP date back to the 1950s when early pioneers like Alan Turing explored the idea of machines understanding language.

Let's Practice! AI for Project Management: Scenario #1

A ChatGPT screen showing a prompt and response.Photo by Jacob Mindak on Unsplash

You're a project manager, drafting a message to your project team and want it to sound more formal and straightforward. How can you use AI for project management (ChatGPT in this case), to help improve your message?

A. Ask ChatGPT to summarize your message and remove unnecessary details.

B. Prompt ChatGPT to analyze the sentiment of the message and flag any errors.

C. Prompt ChatGPT to rewrite the message while keeping the original meaning but making it sound more professional and polished.

D. Use ChatGPT to extract key points from your message to make it clearer.


Select the best answer:

Scenario #2

You're a project manager and noticed that some emails between team members sound unclear and possibly negative. Which project management platform and its AI feature should you use to analyze and improve communication?

Two people working on a project.Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

A. Use Smart Fields in Asana to clarify the emails.

B. Use the NLP feature in Jira to summarize the emails.

C. Use "Detect Sentiment with AI" in monday.com.

D. Use ChatGPT to rewrite the emails with more detail.


Select the best answer:

Take Action

AI lets project managers focus on what really counts — getting stuff done and pushing for innovation.

Using AI for project management makes your team more productive and the results even better.

Check out the action items below to make managing projects easier and more enjoyable!

A cartoon paper clip making a checklist.


This Byte has been authored by


Yewon Lee

Undergraduate Student


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