Higher education can be expensive.

Luckily, there are many scholarships and financial aids that can help.

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Check Your College Website

Many colleges offer different scholarships and financial aid for their students. Check the institution's website to know what kind of aid they offer and what the criteria are to qualify.

Byte Author Uploaded Image Some schools also offer scholarships based on your previous achievements and other skills. Don't forget to check those!

Look For Subject Specific Grants

Some organizations and businesses provide grants for students going into specific fields. These are common in medicine, maths, and engineering. Search for these types of grants on the internet.

chemistry chemical reaction GIF

Check Government Options

Governments often offer grants and scholarships for college students, like the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA).

Look for these types of grants in your country or region to support your education.

Also, make sure to go through the eligibility requirements before starting your application.

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Jake was rejected for a college scholarship. What option would work as an alternative source of funding?

Take Action

Higher education can be pretty expensive. But, applying for financial aid might give you the chance to complete your studies affordably.

Try these options for getting financial aid for college:

Don't let the financial barriers to hold back your dream of going to college!

graduation GIF by Cooper Barrett's Guide To Surviving Life


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